

LAVC商务办公室是学生注册流程的最后一步. 它收取所有的注册费, 包括学生停车许可证费用和签发学生注册收据. 商务办公室位于学生会大楼143室.

Tuition & Fees Information


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头盖骨咖啡服务台 周一至周五上午8:00 -下午3:45


为什么要排队? Save time! pay on-line!

您现在可以通过借记卡/ATM卡或信用卡在线支付您的学生费用 学生资讯系统. Student can come into the Business office and pay their fees by cash, cashiers check and money order.


2024年夏季需要学生停车许可证/每日通行证,于24年6月26日生效. 目前仅对学生停车位有宽限期.  6月4日至6月25日期间不需要学生许可.  从6/26/24开始,学生停车位将需要学生停车许可证.  任何时候使用教职员工空间都需要获得教职员工许可. 

2024年夏季学期许可证可在商务办公室购买.  学生只能把车停在学生指定的车位上.  请不要把车停在教职员工停车位,这些停车位需要特别许可.  所有停车规则将被强制执行.  

电动汽车充电 Must pay $5 daily for an EV Parking Station Permit to display in your car for ALL SEMESTERS (no grace period for this permit).

20231098 - t纳税申报表

下载1098-T税表的说明 (Word Doc)

Fees Information

The California State Legislature mandates the collection of enrollment fees for public community college students. The fee prescribed by Section 72252 of the Education Code shall be forty six dollars ($46) per unit with no maximum per semester. 这些费用可能会有变化.


符合资格要求的学生可以获得经济援助. 学生对经济援助资格有疑问,请联系 财政援助办事处.

除短期课程外, 在第二周课程结束前,将全额退还注册费. Thereafter, no refund is authorized except when college action to cancel or reschedule a class necessitates the drop.

短期课程, 在一段时间结束之前,全额退款相当于总上课时间的10%. Thereafter, no refund is authorized except when college action to cancel or reschedule a class necessitates the drop.

NOTE ON REFUNDS: 所有的学费退款,非居民学费,停车费,和A.S.U. membership must be formally requested by the student and submitted to the Business Office in person or by mail. All refunds will be in accordance with the published refund schedules and each claim must be requested no later than the 5th week of the semester in which instruction occurs.

以加州居民的身份在洛杉矶社区学院就读, a student is required to have been a California resident for more than one year immediately preceding the “Residency Determination Date.“住院医师确定日期”是上课的前一天. 居住被定义为行为和意图的结合. (其他规定适用于非美国公民.)

The Board of Trustees adopted a non-resident tuition fee of $359 per semester unit (2024-2025) for students attending the District colleges who are non-residents of the state. Furthermore, 对于同时是外国公民和居民的非居民学生, the non-resident tuition fee is also $359 per semester unit fee AND a $50 cash only application processing fee. 非居民学生还必须支付每单元46美元的注册费. 这些费用每学年都有变化.

LACCD董事会规则8100.第15条规定“作为外国公民和居民的学生, 或者法律上被禁止在加州定居的人, shall be entitled to exemption from nonresident fees on the basis of individual financial need in accordance with regulations adopted by the Chancellor. Such individual exemptions shall not be granted in excess of ten percent (10%) of the District’s students who are both citizens and residents of a foreign country in the applicable term. If you meet the eligibility requirements in question #9 on the Nonresident Tuition Fee Waiver Affidavit on the opposite side of this page, 你可能有资格获得非居民学费豁免.

Nonresident students who were admitted as “Special Part Time Students Grades K-12” and enroll in more than six (6) units will be subject to the nonresident tuition fee for all units taken.

Resident students admitted as “Special Part Time Students Grades K-12” and enrolling in 11 or fewer units are exempt from enrollment fees charged for all terms (including summer) pursuant to Education Code section 76300.

是外国公民和居民的学生, 或者法律上被禁止在加州定居的人, shall be entitled to exemption from nonresident fees on the basis of individual financial need in accordance with regulations adopted by the Chancellor. 符合条件的学生可以每学期向招生办公室提交一份豁免申请.

教育法典第68075条.6 grants an immediate nonresident tuition fee exemption to eligible Special Immigrant Visa (SIV) holders and refugee students living in California. The nonresident tuition fee exemption is granted for one year from the date the individual began living in California.


  • Iraqi citizens or nationals (and their spouses and children) who were employed by or on behalf of the United States Government in Iraq (Pub.L. No. 110-181, § 1244)
  • Afghan and Iraqi translators (and their spouses and children) who worked directly with the United States Armed Forces (Pub.L. No. 109-163, § 1059)
  • 受雇于或代表美国政府的阿富汗国民.S. 政府或在阿富汗的国际安全援助部队(ISAF).L. No. 111-8, § 602)
  • Refugee students admitted to the United States under Section 1157 of Title 8 of the United States Code

申请特殊移民签证持有人或难民非居民学费豁免, please visit the Admissions & Records Office 并填写住院医师补充问卷. You must demonstrate both physical presence in California and provide documentation of your Special Immigrant Visa or refugee status.

The Los Angeles Community College District charges an $19 mandatory health fee per semester (Spring/Fall) and $16 per semester (Winter/Summer), 只适用于一个校园, 来支付费用 学生健康中心 at each college. 此费用可能会有变动.

如果你是一个依靠祈祷治愈的宗教团体的成员, contact the office of the Vice President of Student Services in the Student Services Center (2nd Floor) for exemption procedures.

General health, 紧急及急救, 以及非紧急医师服务可通过预约.  心理咨询也可以提供.


Los Angeles Community College District policy exempts the following students from paying the student health fee: (a) students who depend exclusively on prayer for healing in accordance with the teaching of a bona fide religious sect, (b)参加经批准的学徒培训计划课程的学生, (c)非学分教育学生, (d) students enrolled in District colleges exclusively at sites where student health services are not provided, (e)只以合约教育方式入读地区学院的学生, (f) Students admitted to the Los Angeles Community Colleges pursuant to Education Code Section 76001 as special part-time students who are concurrently enrolled in a public school district under the provisions of Board Policy 5010. 根据(b)条文获豁免的学生, (c), or (f) above are eligible to receive the services of the college health program; all other exempted students are not eligible to receive the services of the college health program, 除非他们选择支付费用.  Students taking only online or distance education classes can come to the Business Office to pay the respective semester health fee and will be able to receive the services of the college health program.

在注册时,每学期可选择支付2美元的学生代表费. The fee was established exclusively to provide for the support of student representatives involved in governmental affairs. 你可以根据宗教信仰申请免交这项费用, political, 道德或经济原因.  如果学生选择不支付$2的学生代表费,他们可以登入  MyCollege.laccd.edu student portal, 点击“学生帐户”, 然后是“帐户服务”下拉菜单. 点击“ASO/Rep Fee Opt Out”链接,然后按照页面上的说明操作.

每个学生都被鼓励成为联合学生组织的成员. $10 for the Spring and Fall semesters; $3 for the Winter and Summer sessions. ASO会员资格使学生能够加入俱乐部, 免费打印, 使用狮子穴游戏室, and more. 更多信息,请访问 LAVC学生会网页.

所有学期都需要学生停车许可证/每日通行证. 学生请记得把车停在指定的位置. 请勿在教职员工停车位停车. 所有停车规则将被强制执行.

有关国际学生医疗保险费的更多信息,请联系 国际学生办公室.

标准长度(秋季、春季) 通过第二周的教学
Full Tuition
No Refund
常规长度(夏季) 通过第一周的教学
Full Tuition
No Refund
短期(少于常规长度) 通过10%的课程长度
Full Tuition
No Refund




下载校园地图 有从商务办公室到招生办公室的指示.


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